Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Principles of Marketing_Forum 4

Principles of Marketing_Forum 4

Q How did social media begin, and how has it found so much favor in such a short period of time?Compare and contrast Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, describing each in your own words (no citations from the text). Describe and provide an example of each.Compare and contrast Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, describing each in your own words (no citations from the text). Describe and provide an example of each.How is a social media chosen and integrated into a marketing plan. How is the effectiveness of the use of social media measured?“I know, my God, that you examine our hearts and rejoice when you find integrity there.” (1 Chron. 29:17 NLT) Explain our responsibility as Christians to be wholesome, truthful, and with good intent when serving the needs of others in personal or business matters.

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Six Degrees, developed in the year 1997, was the 1st recognized website perhaps as social media. Users are enabled by social media to build a profile and friendship can be developed with other users. The sites of blogging in the year 1999 turned out to be popular due to which a craze started in social media. Then sites such as LinkedIn, Flickr, MySpace, and Photobucket arrived into play in the early 2000s. YouTube was built in the year 2005 and Twitter and Facebook turned out to be available throughout the globe to the users in 2006 finally (McFadden, McFadden, Miley & McFadden, 2019).